Institute Of Future Analytics

HTML Introduction
How Web Works?
What is a Web Page?
HTML Fundamentals
HTML Attributes
HTML Styles
HTML Formatting
HTML Forms
CSS Syntax
CSS Id & Class
CSS Styling
Box Model
Margins, Dimensions, Display
Navigation Bar
What is Typescript
First Typescript Example
Basic Data Types & Variables
Variables in Typescript
Operators & their types
Decision making constructs
Using Arrays
Writing & Using Classes
Inheritance of Classe
Constructor Method
What is Angular?
Angular v/s AngularJS
Angular CLI
Setup of NodeJs and Angula
How does Angular get started?
First Angular App
Introduction to Components
Creating components
Registering Components
Using Registered Components
Working with Component templates
Working with Component Styles
Understanding Component Selector
Introduction to Modules & Databinding
Binding properties and interpolation
One way binding
Two way binding
Style Style and Class Bindings
Attribute binding
Property & Event binding overview
Understanding the Component Lifecycle
Lifecycle Hooks in Action
Understanding Directives
Using ngIf to Output Data Conditionally
Enhancing ngIf with an Else Condition
Output Lists with ngFor
Styling Elements Dynamically with ngStyle
What is ngSwitch?
Introduction to Dependency Injection
Why do we need Services ?
Creating Service
Injecting Service into Components
What is Routing?
Why do we need a Router?
Setting up and Loading Routes
Introduction to handling forms
Reactive forms
Template Driven Forms
Introduction to Pipes
Why are Pipes useful?
Using Pipes
Parameterizing Pipes
Chaining Multiple Pipes
Creating a Custom Pipe
Parameterizing a Custom Pipe
Pure & Impure Pipes
Introduction to Http Requests
How Http Requests Work
Understanding App Module
Best practices