Java Development
Institute Of Future Analytics

Java Development
Core Java
What is Program?
Introduction to Algorithm and Flowcharts
History of Java
How Java Works
Features Of java
Installation of jdk
Configuring Path
Concept of variables
Primitive Data Types
Declaring Constants
Const and final keyword
Types of operators
If statement and if..else statement
Nested if..else statement
Switch Case Statement
While Loop and Do..while loop
For loop
What are arrays
How To declare Array
Multidimensional Arrays
Array Operation
Concepts of OOP
Benefits of OOP
Features of OOP
Class and objects
Implementing Polymorphism
Abstract Class
Wrapper Class
Types of Inheritance
Concept of Interface
Implementing Interface
Implementing multiple inheritance
What Are Exceptions
Use of try ,Catch And finally
Use of throw and throws Keyword
User Defined Exceptions
Checked and unchecked Exception
Accessing Command Line Argument
Input / Output Stream
File I/O
Enumeration in java
Java Annotation
Declaring String
String Functions
Using String Tokenizer
Advanced Java
Concept of Multitasking
Thread Life cycle
Creating thread from thread class
Creating Thread Form Runnable Interface
Thread Priority
Thread Methods
InterThread Communication
Synchronized Block
Synchronized Methods
Concept of Socket
Connecting Client and server
URL Class
AWT Framework
GUI building
Event Handling
Creating GUI App
Advanced Swing component
What are generics
Why Generics
Generics methods
Concept of lambda
Anonymous class vs lambda expression
Using lambda expressions in class
Overview of collection
Data Structure with Collection class
Maps and trees in Java
Introduction to jdbc
Jdbc Drivers
Importance of JDBC
Connecting java with Databases
Execute Query() method
Execute Upate() Method
Performing DML Operation from java
Selecting data from Databases
Parameterized Query
SQL Injection And parameterized Queries
What are beans
Properties of javabeans
Javabeans API
Introduction to EJB
Types of EJB
Javabeans API
Writing EJB Programs
Enumeration in java
Java Annotation
What is Serialization
Web Java
Internet and www
Client side vs server side programming
What are servlet
Examples of Servlet based Programs
Servlet Life Cycle
Request and response Objects
Creating and configuring Servlet
Using DoGET and DoPost Metods
Servlet Filters
Sessions in Servlet
URL Rewriting
Introductions to JSP
JSP vs Servlet
Jsp Life Cycle
JSP Expression Element
JSP Scripting Element
JSP Declaration Block
Directives in JSP
Using Filter With JSP
JSP Custom Tags
JSP with Mysql Using jdbc
Creating CRUD Application
Implicits Objects
What Are Web Services
Benefits Web Services
Creating Web Service
Deploying Web services
Testing Web service
Installing NetBeans
Installing Eclipse
Fundamentals of testing
Types of testing
Testing Frameworks
Installing JUINT
Annotations of juint
Unit testing with JUINT
Exception Testing
Junit Suit
Introduction to DBMS
Introduction to SQL
DDL and DML Statements
Working with Constraints
Implementing Views
Working With Indexes
Implementing Triggers
Working with Queries (DQL)
Aggregate Functions
Joins and Set Operations
Implementation of Data integrity
Data Control language (DCL)
Working with Functions
Working with Stored Procedures