Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence
Institute Of Future Analytics

Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence
Definition, Examples, Importance of Machine Learning
Definition of ML Elements: Algorithm, Model, Predictor Variable, Response Variable, Training - Test Split, Steps in Machine Learning,
ML Models Type: Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning and Reinforcement Learning.
Definition of regression, OLS Algorithm, Sum of Squares of residuals, Gradient Descent Algorithm, Cost Function
Evaluation Metrics for Regression Model: MAE, MSE, RMSE, R Square, Adjusted R Square
Comparing MAE, MSE, and RMSE. Significance of Adjusted R square. Overfitting and Underfitting. Bias and Variance.
Regularization methods: Ridge and Lasso Multicollinearity, VIF. Using Python library Sklearn to create the Linear Regression Model and evaluate the model created.
Types of Missing values (MCAR, MAR, MNAR) , Methods to handle missing values
Outliers, Methods to handle outliers: IQR Method, Z Method
Feature Scaling: Definition , Methods: Absolute Maximum Scaling, Min-Max Scaler , Normalization, Standardization, Robust Scaling
Encoding the data: Definition, Methods: OneHot Encoding, Mean Encoding, Label Encoding, Target Guided Ordinal Encoding
Definition. Why is it called the “Regression model”?
Sigmoid Function, Transformation & Graph of Sigmoid Function
Confusion Matrix, Accuracy, Misclassification, TPR, FPR, TNR, Precision, Recall, F1 Score, ROC Curve, and AUC. Using Python library Sklearn to create the Logistic Regression Model and evaluate the model created
Definition, Steps in KNN Model, Types of Distance: Manhattan Distance, Euclidean Distance, ‘Lazy Learner Model’.
Confusion Matrix of Multi Class Classification
Using Python library Sklearn to create the K Nearest Neighbours Model and evaluate the model
Definition, Basic Terminologies, Tree Splitting Constraints, Splitting Algorithms: CART, C4.5, ID3, CHAID
Splitting Methods: GINI, Entropy, Chi-Square, and Reduction in Variance
Using Python library Sklearn to create the Decision Tree Model and evaluate the model created
Ensemble Techniques: Bagging/bootstrapping & Boosting. Definition of Random Forest, OOB Score
K-Fold Cross-Validation
GridSearchCV, Variable Importance. Using Python library Sklearn to create the Random Forest Model and evaluate the model created. Use cases
Definition, Advantages, Baye’s Theorem Applicability, Disadvantages of Naive Baye’s Model, Laplace’s Correction, Types of Classifiers: Gaussian, Multinomial and Bernoulli Using Python library Sklearn to create the Naive Baye’s Model and evaluate the model created
Definition of Clustering, Use cases of Clustering
K Means Clustering Algorithm, Assumptions of K Means Clustering Sum of Squares Curve or Elbow Curve
Dendrogram, Agglomerative Clustering, Divisive Clustering, Comparison of K Means Clustering and Hierarchical Clustering
Using Python library Sklearn to create and evaluate the clustering model
Definition, Curse of Dimensionality, Dimensionality Reduction Technique, When to use PCA, Use Cases
Steps in PCA, EigenValues and EigenVectors, Scree Plot. Using Python library Sklearn to create Principal Components
Model: Definition, Use Cases, Kernel Function, Aim of Support Vectors, Hyperplane, Gamma Value, Regularization Parameter Using Python library Sklearn to create and evaluate the SVM Model